Cove 309
Cove 309
Cove 309
Cove 309
Cove 309
Cove 309

La Crystal

Cove 309condominium

160 Killiney Rd, Singapore 239568

The La Crystal has security within the compound of the La Crystal development is 24 hours and this is to ensure the safety and security. Apart from this, the car park available for vehicle owners is covered in order to protect them from the rain and sun. There is also a BBQ area for a good time of bonding between friends and families over some good barbeque. Other than that, there is a swimming pool for those who loves to swim during their free time. Last but not least, there are also tennis courts available for those who enjoy the sport.

nearest transit

Great World

9 mins walk

Thomson-East Coast Line

facilities and services

swimming pool
car parking
bbq pits
tennis court


pick your stay option
  • monthly
  • nightly
